Monthly Statistics Report
Monthly Statistic report is based on the Rental date that means, the system will consider rooms as sold based on each rental, for an example for better understanding, Room 101 has booked for 1/6 to 3/6. So when the report gets populated, it will show 1 Night for 1/6, 1 night for 2/6.
Further is the explanation of report columns:
1) Rooms Ava. -- This column refers to the total numbers of rooms available after deducting Block Rooms in the system (Available rooms - Blocked rooms)
2) ADR (Average Daily Rate) -- Indicates TOTAL amount of ADR each day.
Occ% -- Shows occupancy of rooms sold each day.
3) Tariff - Total AMOUNT of Accumulated Revenue per day (Accumulated Revenue = Rent - Discount)
4) Tax - Total AMOUNT of Taxes each day
5) Total Charge - This actually extra charge and this column gives us Total AMOUNT of Extra charges (This will NOT include POS charges posted to folio) per day.
6) Settlement - Total AMOUNT of Settlements taken per day (FOLIO transfer does NOT get counted)