A new service started by Booking.com.

And they provide-

1 - Property website to increase their online presence and support bookings directly from their customers.

2 - Price Management Solution - provides them daily rate suggestions based on expected customer demand and pricing trends in their competitive set.

Inline image 1

1 - Is this available with Absolute PMS?Yes, we have a ready interface with this service (only for Price Management Solution). However, this is in the pilot phase and is being used by 2-3 properties right now. Interested property requests can be forwarded by raising a CRM ticket.
2 - Is this available for Nextgen products?Currently, this interface supports cloud PMS only and with time we will add in Nextgen family as well.

3 - By when can we expect the interface with Nextgen product?We will start working on this interface post our cloud interface rolls out of pilot phase. While its difficult to share the exact time, expected timeline for release with Nextgen products could be after 6 to 8 months.