Below are the different points for which we have to set the printer:
1) Separate KOT:
Separate KOT should print on Kitchen Printer. The setting of Printer can be set from Menu Item or on POS Room.
If Printer not set on Item It will print on POS Room’s Printer. In case printer not set on both Place, it won’t print KOT in Kitchen.
Set Printer on Item/Room i.e Floor
Step: 3
Set Separate KOT Print Setting from Burrp -> Setting -> Peripherals -> KOT Printer
[Default KOT Print for Dine in]
2) Checkers KOT
Checker KOT is mainly used for the manager. It prints all Item on KOT [User can customise from Template Setting ]
1. System will check to print Checkers KOT or not. - Burrp -> Setting -> Peripherals -> KOT Printer - > “Active Checker KOT Print”.
2. If “Active Checker KOT Print” System now check Outlet Operation - > Order Type from where setting should take
Burrp Setting will take setting from Burrp-> Setting-> Peripherals -> KOT Printer
3) Receipt
4) Fiscal Receipt
The receipt should print when the user requested bill or receipt gets settled.
Three type of print available for Receipt. [User can set as per their Business requirement]
1.Guest check
3.Fiscal Receipt.
1. System will check to print Receipt or not. - Burrp -> Setting -> Peripherals -> Receipt Printer - > “Active Receipt Print”.
2.If “Active Receipt Print” System now check Outlet Operation - > Order Type from where setting should take
3.If Setting tick to Print Guest check. The system will print Template set on Guest Check.
Once receipt gets settled System will print Template sets for Receipt.
4.If “Active Fiscal Printer” ticked System check for the Fiscal type. [Active Receipt Print must activate for fiscal]
To activate Fiscal printer Make sure that OPOS.printer set up is installed on Client Machine. [Available on Download area] in case if OPOS. Printer is not installed it will prompt message when trying to activate fiscal printer.
a) RCH Globe [Integrated for Tanzania.]
Printer communicates on Serial Port.
Driver must install for RCH Printer.
All receipt i.e. Guest check/Room post/City ledger post/settled receipt will print on the Fiscal printer only.
b) Tremol FP Aura [Intgrated for Kenya]
Printer communicates on Serial Port with Baud Rate.
Driver must install for FP Aura Printer.
All receipt i.e. Guest check/Room post/City ledger post/settled receipt will print on the Fiscal printer only.
c) POS E [Integrated for Latvian]
Communicate with FiscalUnit.dll” must available in c:\
Guest Check will print on the Fiscal printer as Non-Fiscalized Receipt.
Settled Receipt will print on Fiscal as Fiscalized Receipt.
On void of Receipt, it will print on the Fiscal printer too. As per setting
X/Z Report can be the print from Setting form of Burrp.
Copy of the last Receipt can be printed
d) FP-2000 100TZ [Intgrated for Tanzania]
Printer communicates on Serial Port with Baud Rate.
Driver must install for FP-2000 100TZ Printer.
Only Settled receipt will be printed on Fiscal i.e. Guest check/Room post/City ledger post will not print on Fiscal printer
Printer communicates with OPOS Fiscal driver and Printer name provided by Printer provider
OPOS Fiscal Driver must installed provided by Printer provider
Only Settled receipt will be printed on Fiscal including Room post/City ledger post
X/Z Report can be printed
f) Metalink SBR [Integrated for Serbia]
Integration will generate XML file on Specified Path.
Rest printer will take care to print file after printing it will automatically remove from the path.
File name format for Receipt is ABC_SRB_Billno.xml
If file generated we can assume it's working from the eZee side.
g) Metalink MKD [Integrated for Macedonia]
Integration will generate XML file on Specified Path.
Rest printer will take care to print file after printing it will automatically remove from the path.
File name format for Receipt is ABC_MKD_Billno.xml
For void receipt file format is STO_MKD_Billno.xml
If file generated we can assume it's working from the eZee side.
h) BIXOLON SRP - 350 II [Integrated for Panama]
Printer communicates on Serial Port.
Tfhkaif.dll must available in eZee Application folder
All receipt will print as per Fiscal setting.
X/Z Report can be printed
Void Receipt will be printed as Credit note on Receipt.
Miscellaneous Sales printing on Fiscal printer
Void Misc sales printing as Credit note on Misc Sales
i) WEBPOS [Integrated for Panama]
Integration will generate XML file on Specified Path.
Rest printer will take care to print file after printing it will automatically remove from the path.
No Charge receipt will not print on Fiscal
For X Report System will generate XML file named XReport.
For Z Report System will generate XML file named ZReport. Z report will only print when all receipt/KOT is Settled
File name format for Receipt is FBillno.xml
File name format for Guest check Receipt is NBillno.xml
If file generated we can assume it's working from the eZee side.
j) EFP [Integrated for Tanzania]
Integration will generate Text file on Specified Path. [for live environment path must set as c:\dpool\in]
In case of printer not able to print receipt it will move on c:\dpool\err else it will clear from in folder
Rest printer will take care to print file after printing it will automatically remove from the path.
No Charge/Room post/City ledger posting receipt will not print on Fiscal
File name format for Receipt is Billxxxxx.txt
If file generated we can assume it's working from the eZee side.
Fiscal Setting on FrontDesk.
Fiscal printer setting can be done from FrontDesk -> Option [eZee Icon] -> General Setting.
1.Call Payment done before Checkout will consider as Non-Fiscal Receipt.
2.Fiscal receipt will print on Guest Checkout
3.Void Receipt can be print on Undo-Transaction or undo Checkout.
4.All Folio will be considered as separate Bill [i.e. Split folio] and must print separately on the Fiscal printer.
5) Custom Template
Design for Client with their Pre-defined Stationary or some calculation that needs to be hardcoded
For Custom template it must generate Paper size with Template name.
Steps to define Template
1.Open Devices and Printer -> Select Printer where receipt going to print
2.Click on Printer Server Properly
3.Tick Create Form
4.Add Template name i.e. TEMPLATE_ XX where XX is number defined for Client.
5.Set Size
6.Save Form