This error description clearly explains that the provided path is not accessible for this particular Operation.

There are 3 way to resolve this error.

Solution 1: Please select accessible path and go further for this particular operation.

Solution 2: Provide appropriate rights to logged in windows user. Please follow below steps for the same.

Step 1: Go to file explorer and go to provided path folder. Right click on it and select Properties.

Step 2: It will open Property window and go to security tab.

Step 3: Click on Edit Button. You will find below screen. Select appropriate user and you will find some unchecked Allow permission for all the rights of user.

Step 4: Please check on “Allow” for that particular user to full permission. Then click on Apply and press OK button.

Solution 3: Provide Full accessible rights to all User.

Step 1: Go to file explorer and go to provided path folder. Right click on it and select Properties.


Step 2: It will open Property window and go to security tab. and press Edit Button.

Step 3: On Security window you will find Add Button. Click on Add Button.

Step 4: You will find below screen for select User. Press on advanced Button.

Step 5: On Select Users or Groups windows click on Find Now button. There is a list of users and group below. Select Everyone From List add press Add button.

Step 6: Select Everyone as user and allow “Full Control” permission. Then Apply and Press OK button.

Apply one of the above mentioned solutions to and resolve this error.